Qualcomm RPM Clock Controller Binding ------------------------------------------------ The RPM is a dedicated hardware engine for managing the shared SoC resources in order to keep the lowest power profile. It communicates with other hardware subsystems via shared memory and accepts clock requests, aggregates the requests and turns the clocks on/off or scales them on demand. Required properties : - compatible : shall contain only one of the following. The generic compatible "qcom,rpmcc" should be also included. "qcom,rpmcc-msm8916", "qcom,rpmcc" "qcom,rpmcc-msm8974", "qcom,rpmcc" "qcom,rpmcc-apq8064", "qcom,rpmcc" "qcom,rpmcc-apq8084", "qcom,rpmcc" - #clock-cells : shall contain 1 Example: smd { compatible = "qcom,smd"; rpm { interrupts = <0 168 1>; qcom,ipc = <&apcs 8 0>; qcom,smd-edge = <15>; rpm_requests { compatible = "qcom,rpm-msm8916"; qcom,smd-channels = "rpm_requests"; rpmcc: qcom,rpmcc { compatible = "qcom,rpmcc-msm8916", "qcom,rpmcc"; #clock-cells = <1>; }; }; }; };