//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "CTCommonres.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "afxres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_BITMAP2 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\bitmap2.bmp" IDR_MLTBAR BITMAP DISCARDABLE "res\\MLTbar.bmp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Toolbar // IDR_MLTBAR TOOLBAR DISCARDABLE 16, 16 BEGIN BUTTON ID_EDIT_NEW_REGION BUTTON ID_EDIT_NEW_SECTION BUTTON ID_EDIT_DELETE_SECTION BUTTON ID_EDIT_PROPERTIES END #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "CTCommonres.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#define _AFX_NO_SPLITTER_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_TRACKER_RESOURCES\r\n" "#define _AFX_NO_PROPERTY_RESOURCES\r\n" "\r\n" "#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)\r\n" "#ifdef _WIN32\r\n" "LANGUAGE 9, 1\r\n" "#pragma code_page(1252)\r\n" "#endif //_WIN32\r\n" "#include ""afxres.rc"" // Standard components\r\n" "#endif\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog Info // IDD_SECTION_GENERAL DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3130, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3230, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3430, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3830, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3031, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3032, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3034, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3038, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3130, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3230, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3430, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3830, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3031, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3032, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3034, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3038, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3130, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3230, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3430, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3830, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3031, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3032, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3034, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3030, 0x3038, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3130, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3230, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3430, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3830, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3031, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3032, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3034, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT, 0x403, 9, 0 0x3038, 0x3030, 0x3030, 0x3030, "\000" 0 END IDD_FINDREPLACE DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_SEARCHCOMBO, 0x403, 12, 0 0x614d, 0x7263, 0x206f, 0x616e, 0x656d, 0x0073, IDC_SEARCHCOMBO, 0x403, 11, 0 0x7449, 0x6d65, 0x6e20, 0x6d61, 0x7365, "\000" IDC_SEARCHCOMBO, 0x403, 19, 0 0x6853, 0x726f, 0x2074, 0x6564, 0x6373, 0x6972, 0x7470, 0x6f69, 0x736e, "\000" IDC_SEARCHCOMBO, 0x403, 7, 0 0x6156, 0x756c, 0x7365, "\000" 0 END IDD_BUILD_OPTIONS_DIALOG DLGINIT BEGIN IDC_COMBO1, 0x403, 7, 0 0x4643, 0x414c, 0x5347, "\000" IDC_COMBO1, 0x403, 8, 0 0x444c, 0x4c46, 0x4741, 0x0053, 0 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_CDL_TEMPLATES DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 285, 212 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Templates" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN COMBOBOX IDC_CDL_HARDWARE,14,20,256,50,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT IDC_CDL_HARDWARE_DESC,14,36,256,28,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL COMBOBOX IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE,14,91,129,51,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP COMBOBOX IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_VER,145,91,66,51,CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_SORT | WS_DISABLED | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_DESC,14,107,197,28,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,227,82,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,227,99,50,14 GROUPBOX "Hardware",IDC_STATIC,7,7,270,65 GROUPBOX "Packages",IDC_STATIC,7,78,211,65 PUSHBUTTON "&Details <<",IDC_DETAILS,228,129,50,14 LTEXT "&Packages in selected templates:", IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_PACKAGES_STATIC,7,150,214,8 EDITTEXT IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_PACKAGES,7,160,271,45,ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL END IDD_VIEW_PROPERTIES_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 301, 265 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Close",IDOK,244,244,50,14 LTEXT "",IDC_VIEW_PROPERTIES_LIST,7,7,287,229,NOT WS_VISIBLE END IDD_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 323, 166 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Resolve Conflicts" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_LIST1,7,25,309,52,NOT WS_VISIBLE LTEXT "Proposed fix:",IDC_STATIC1,7,90,197,8 CONTROL "List3",IDC_LIST2,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,101,309,58 PUSHBUTTON "&All",IDC_RESET,266,83,50,14 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Continue",ID_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_CONTINUE,212,7,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",ID_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_CANCEL,266,7,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&None",IDC_CONFLICTS_NONE,212,83,50,14 END IDD_REGION_GENERAL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 235, 156 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "General" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "&Name:",IDC_STATIC,7,9,22,8 EDITTEXT IDC_REGION_GENERAL_NAME,57,7,171,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Start &address:",IDC_STATIC,7,25,48,8 EDITTEXT IDC_REGION_GENERAL_START_ADDRESS,57,23,171,12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Size:",IDC_STATIC,7,41,42,8 EDITTEXT IDC_REGION_GENERAL_SIZE,57,39,171,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL CONTROL "&Read Only",IDC_REGION_GENERAL_READ_ONLY,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,57,55,68,9 END IDD_SECTION_GENERAL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 235, 156 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "General" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN GROUPBOX "Name",IDC_STATIC,7,7,221,64 CONTROL "&Linker-defined:", IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_LINKER_DEFINED,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,13,21,63,12 CONTROL "&User-defined:",IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_USER_DEFINED, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,13,35,62,11 COMBOBOX IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_LINKER,81,19,141,130, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_USER,81,35,141,12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED CONTROL "&Known size:",IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_KNOWN_SIZE,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_DISABLED | WS_TABSTOP,81,53,54,8 EDITTEXT IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_SIZE,138,51,84,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED GROUPBOX "Final Location (VMA)",IDC_STATIC,7,84,221,65 CONTROL "A&bsolute:",IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_ABSOLUTE,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP,13,100,44,8 CONTROL "&Following:",IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_RELATIVE,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,13,114,47,10 EDITTEXT IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS,81,97,141,12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL COMBOBOX IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_RELATIVE_NAME,81,113,141,65, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_DISABLED | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP RTEXT "&Alignment:",IDC_STATIC,73,132,42,8 COMBOBOX IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT,121,130,102,49, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP END IDD_SECTION_RELOCATION DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 235, 156 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Relocation" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN CONTROL "&Relocate section",IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_RELOCATES, "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,7,17,81,8 GROUPBOX "Initial Location (LMA)",IDC_STATIC,7,63,221,48 CONTROL "&A&bsolute:",IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_ABSOLUTE, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_DISABLED,13,78,48,8 CONTROL "&Following:",IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_RELATIVE, "Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_DISABLED,13,93,47,10 EDITTEXT IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS,81,75, 141,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_DISABLED COMBOBOX IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_RELATIVE_NAME,81,91,141, 56,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_DISABLED | WS_VSCROLL | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP END IDD_NOTE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 235, 156 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Note" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN EDITTEXT IDC_EDIT_NOTE,7,7,221,142,ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_WANTRETURN | WS_VSCROLL | NOT WS_TABSTOP END IDD_FOLDER_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 271, 63 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Choose Folder" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,214,7,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,214,25,50,14 EDITTEXT IDC_FOLDER,6,43,202,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL PUSHBUTTON "&Browse...",IDC_FOLDER_DIALOG_BROWSE,214,43,50,14 LTEXT "Static",IDC_STATIC_DESC,7,7,202,37 END IDD_NEW_FOLDER_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 186, 50 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "New Folder" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,72,7,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,129,7,50,14 EDITTEXT IDC_NEW_FOLDER_EDIT,7,28,172,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL END IDD_FINDREPLACE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 30, 73, 260, 79 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Find" FONT 8, "Helv" BEGIN LTEXT "Fi&nd what:",IDC_STATIC,7,8,34,8,NOT WS_GROUP EDITTEXT 1152,47,7,142,12,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_GROUP CONTROL "Match &whole word only",1040,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,7,27,89,10 CONTROL "Match &case",1041,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 7,42,53,10 GROUPBOX "Direction",1072,107,26,82,28 CONTROL "&Up",1056,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP,112,36,25,12 CONTROL "&Down",1057,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 151,36,33,12 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Find Next",IDOK,203,7,50,14,WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,203,25,50,14,WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Search in:",IDC_STATIC,7,63,33,8 COMBOBOX IDC_SEARCHCOMBO,47,61,72,54,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP END IDD_CDL_PACKAGES DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 319, 220 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Packages" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Available &packages:",IDC_STATIC,7,7,103,10 LISTBOX IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST1,7,17,119,107,LBS_SORT | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "&Use these packages:",IDC_STATIC,193,7,104,11 LISTBOX IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST2,193,17,119,107,LBS_SORT | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "&Add >>",IDC_ADDREMOVE_ADD,134,36,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "<< &Remove",IDC_ADDREMOVE_REMOVE,134,58,50,14 LTEXT "&Version:",IDC_STATIC,7,131,52,9 COMBOBOX IDC_PACKAGE_VER,7,142,305,58,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_DISABLED | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP EDITTEXT IDC_PACKAGE_DESC,7,163,305,28,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,204,199,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,262,199,50,14 LTEXT "",IDC_ADDREMOVE_TEXT,138,106,45,8 END IDD_BUILD_OPTIONS_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 327, 197 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Options" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "&Category:",IDC_STATIC,7,9,31,8 COMBOBOX IDC_COMBO1,39,7,72,70,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "&Packages:",IDC_STATIC,7,28,35,8 CONTROL "Tree1",IDC_TREE1,"SysTreeView32",TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_HASLINES | TVS_LINESATROOT | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 8,41,198,149 LTEXT "&Flags:",IDC_STATIC,213,28,20,8 LISTBOX IDC_BUILD_OPTIONS_LIST,213,41,107,149, LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_NOSEL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP DEFPUSHBUTTON "Close",IDOK,270,7,50,14 END IDD_ADDREMOVE_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 312, 189 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Dialog" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "",IDC_ADDREMOVE_TEXT1,7,7,119,8 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,198,168,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,255,168,50,14 LISTBOX IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST1,7,19,116,107,LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP LTEXT "",IDC_ADDREMOVE_TEXT2,186,7,119,8 LISTBOX IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST2,189,19,116,107,LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_EXTENDEDSEL | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "&Add >>",IDC_ADDREMOVE_ADD,130,48,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "<< &Remove",IDC_ADDREMOVE_REMOVE,130,77,50,14 EDITTEXT IDC_PACKAGE_DESC,7,133,298,31,ES_MULTILINE | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL END IDD_TOOLS_OPTIONS_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 234, 87 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Options" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN GROUPBOX "Check for conflicts: ",IDC_STATIC,7,3,220,58 CONTROL "&Automatically suggest fixes",IDC_SUGGEST_FIXES,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,14,43,100,10 PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,121,66,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,177,66,50,14 CONTROL "After any item &changed",IDC_IMMEDIATE,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,14,15,89,10 CONTROL "Before &saving configuration",IDC_DEFERRED,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,14,29,102,10 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDD_VIEW_PROPERTIES_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 294 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 258 END IDD_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 316 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 159 END IDD_REGION_GENERAL, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 228 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 149 END IDD_SECTION_GENERAL, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 228 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 149 END IDD_SECTION_RELOCATION, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 228 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 149 END IDD_NOTE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 228 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 149 END IDD_FOLDER_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 264 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 56 END IDD_NEW_FOLDER_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 179 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 43 END IDD_FINDREPLACE, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 253 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 72 END IDD_CDL_PACKAGES, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 312 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 213 END IDD_BUILD_OPTIONS_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 320 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 190 END IDD_ADDREMOVE_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 305 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 182 END IDD_TOOLS_OPTIONS_DIALOG, DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 227 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 80 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // IDR_CONTROLVIEW_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "Control View Popup" BEGIN MENUITEM "&What's This?", ID_CV_WHATS_THIS MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_POPUP_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "Restore &Defaults", ID_RESTORE_DEFAULTS MENUITEM "Visit Documentation", ID_VIEW_URL MENUITEM "View Header File", ID_VIEW_HEADER MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Unload Package...", ID_UNLOAD_PACKAGE END END IDR_MLTVIEW_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "MLT View Popup" BEGIN MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_POPUP_PROPERTIES END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ECOS_HELP "index.html" IDS_REPOSITORY_REGKEY "Software\\Red Hat\\eCos\\Common\\Repository" IDS_REPOSITORY_REGVALUE "Folder" IDC_RADIO_DESCRIPTIVE_NAMES "Display descriptive names in the configuration view." IDC_RADIO_DECIMAL "View integer values in the configuration view in decimal." IDC_RADIO_HEXADECIMAL "View integer values in the configuration view in hexadecimal." IDC_RADIO_MACRO_NAMES "Display macro names in the configuration view." IDC_CDL_HARDWARE "Selects from the set of available hardware templates." IDC_CDL_HARDWARE_DESC "Gives a brief description of the currently selected hardware template." IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_VER "Selects the version of the currently selected template." IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_PACKAGES "Lists the packages contained in the currently selected template." IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_PACKAGES_STATIC "Provides a description of the currently selected package." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS "The initial absolute address of the section (as a hexadecimal number) in bytes." IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_RELATIVE_NAME "Specify a section which this section is to follow in the memory map." IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_RELOCATES "Specifies that the section is relocatable." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_ABSOLUTE "Specifies that the address of the section is absolute." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_LINKER_DEFINED "Chooses a link-defined section. The name is selected in the adjacent drop-down list." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_USER_DEFINED "Chooses a user-defined section. The name is entered in the adjacent edit box." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_LINKER "Chooses from a set of linker-defined names appropriate for the currently selected target architecture." IDC_EDIT_NOTE "Text to be associated with the region. The text is saved with the memory layout in the build tree." IDC_CT_EDIT "Enter the text of a configuration item of type string. The text may span multiple lines." IDS_OUTPUT_VIEW_HELP "redirect/output-pane.html" IDS_PROPERTIES_VIEW_HELP "redirect/properties-table.html" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_RULES_VIEW_HELP "redirect/rules-help.html" IDS_BUILD_OPTIONS_PROCESSING "redirect/tool-options.html" IDS_BUILD_OPTIONS_BUILD "redirect/build-tab.html" IDS_VIEW_SETTINGS_VIEW "redirect/view-settings.html" IDS_CONFIGTOOL_HELP "redirect/the-ecos-configuration-tool.html" IDS_CONTROL_VIEW_HELP "redirect/the-four-panes.html" IDS_MLT_VIEW_HELP "redirect/memory-layout.html" IDS_MLT_REGION_HELP "redirect/memory-regions.html" IDS_MLT_SECTION_HELP "redirect/memory-sections.html" IDS_DESC_VIEW_HELP "redirect/short-description-window.html" IDS_NEW_REGION_SHEET_TITLE "New Region" IDS_NEW_SECTION_SHEET_TITLE "New Section" IDS_REGION_PROPERTIES_SHEET_TITLE "Region Properties" IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_BASE "No error" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN AFX_IDS_SCSIZE "Changes the window size" AFX_IDS_SCMOVE "Changes the window position" AFX_IDS_SCMINIMIZE "Reduces the window to an icon" AFX_IDS_SCMAXIMIZE "Enlarges the window to full size" AFX_IDS_SCNEXTWINDOW "Switches to the next document window" AFX_IDS_SCPREVWINDOW "Switches to the previous document window" AFX_IDS_SCCLOSE "Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN AFX_IDS_SCRESTORE "Restores the window to normal size" AFX_IDS_SCTASKLIST "Activates Task List" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN AFX_IDS_PREVIEW_CLOSE "Closes print preview mode\nCancel Preview" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_VALIDATE_SECTION_NAME_CLASH "Please enter a section name which is not linker-defined." IDS_OPEN "Open" IDS_SAVE_AS "Save As" IDS_OPEN_DESC "Enter the location of the build tree. You can type in a path or use the Browse button to navigate to a folder." IDS_SAVE_AS_DESC "Enter the location for the build tree. You can type in a path or use the Browse button to navigate to a folder: if the folder name you provide does not exist, it will be created." IDS_DEFAULT_FOLDER_DIALOG_DESC "You may specify a folder which does not yet exist. If you do so, the folder will be created." IDS_COMPTOOLS_DLG_DESC "Enter the location of the %s build tools folder, which should contain %sgcc. You can type in a path or use the Browse button to navigate to a folder." IDS_USERTOOLS_DLG_DESC "Enter the location of the user tools folder, which should contain cat and ls. You can type in a path or use the Browse button to navigate to a folder." IDS_KEY_TOOLS_DIR "Build Tools" IDS_KEY_USER_DIR "User Tools" IDS_PATH "PATH" IDS_SHELL_NAME "bash.exe" IDS_PKGCONF_PACKAGE_HEADER_FILENAME "system.h" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN ID_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_CONTINUE "Continues the current transaction, applying the selected solutions." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN ID_RESOLVE_CONFLICTS_CANCEL "Cancels the current transaction without applying any solutions." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_DETAILS "Shows or hides a portion of the dialog that provides details of the contents of the currently selected template." IDS_APPPATH_REGVALUE "Path" IDC_CONFLICTS_NONE "Resets all fix checkboxes to the unchecked state." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_NONAME "You must specify a region name." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_MAPSIZE "The region does not lie within the memory map." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_INTERSECT "The region intersects with another region." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_NAMEINUSE "The specified region name is not unique." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_NOTFOUND "The specified region does not exist." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_SIZE "The specified region size is too small to contain the existing memory sections." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_ALLOC "Memory allocation error." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_NONAME "You must specify a section name." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_NAMEINUSE "The specified section name is not unique." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_LMA_NOTINREGION "The specified initial section location (LMA) does not lie within a single memory region." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_VMA_NOTINREGION "The specified final section location (VMA) does not lie within a single memory region." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_LMA_ANCHORNOTFOUND "The specified initial section anchor does not exist." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_LMA_ANCHORNOTAVAIL "The specified initial section anchor is not available." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_VMA_ANCHORNOTFOUND "The specified final section anchor does not exist." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_VMA_ANCHORNOTAVAIL "The specified final section anchor is not available." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_NOTFOUND "The specified section does not exist." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_VMA_READONLY "The specified final section location (VMA) does not lie within a read/write region. This is essential when the section is to be relocated." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_LMA_READWRITE "The specified initial section location (LMA) does not lie within a read-only region." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_ILLEGAL_RELOCATION "The section following the specified section does not relocate." IDS_SECTION_PROPERTIES_SHEET_TITLE "Section Properties" IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_CREATE "The new memory section could not be created." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_SECTION_MODIFY "The memory section could not be modified." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_CREATE "The new region could not be created." IDS_ERR_MEMMAP_REGION_MODIFY "The memory region could not be modified." IDS_VALIDATE_REGION_SIZE "Please enter a region size greater than zero." IDS_VALIDATE_SECTION_NAME "Please enter a section name.\n\nNames may not contain spaces or punctuation." IDS_VALIDATE_SECTION_SIZE "Please enter a section size greater than zero." IDS_VALIDATE_REGION_NAME "Please enter a region name.\n\nNames may not contain spaces or punctuation." IDS_VALIDATE_SECTION_ALIGNMENT "Please enter a section alignment greater than zero." IDS_VALIDATE_REGION_START_ADDRESS "Please enter a region start address." IDS_VALIDATE_SECTION_START_ADDRESS "Please enter a section start address." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_VIEW_MACRO_NAMES "Display macro names (as opposed to descriptive names) in the configuration view." IDS_VIEW_HEX "View integer values in the configuration view in hexadecimal (as opposed to decimal) format." IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE "Selects from the set of available package templates." IDC_CDL_TEMPLATE_DESC "Gives a brief description of the currently selected package template." IDS_TOOLCHAINFOLDER_BROWSE "Browse for the toolchain folder." IDS_TOOLCHAINFOLDER_FOLDER "Selects the toolchain folder (the folder containing the build tools for the current architecture)." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_SEARCHCOMBO "Selects the category in which the search is to take place." IDC_PACKAGE_VER "Displays the version of the selected packages." IDC_COMBO1 "Selects the category of build flags for which options are to be displayed." IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST1 "Displays the list of packages available, but not currently loaded." IDC_ADDREMOVE_LIST2 "Displays the list of packages currently loaded." IDC_ADDREMOVE_ADD "Add one or more packages to the list to be loaded." IDC_ADDREMOVE_REMOVE "Removes one or more packages to the list to be loaded." IDC_PACKAGE_DESC "Displays a description of the selected package (blank if more than one package is selected)." IDC_LIST "Displays the list of header files generated by the configuration. If the configuration is saved, you can double-click on an item to view that header." IDC_VIEW_PROPERTIES_LIST "Displays the properties of the currently selected configuration item. You can double-click on a URL property to navigate to that documentation page or on a File property to view that header file." IDC_FOLDER_DIALOG_BROWSE "Browse for the folder." IDC_REGION_GENERAL_NAME "Specifies the name of the region (must not contain spaces or punctuation characters)." IDC_REGION_GENERAL_START_ADDRESS "Specifies the start address (in hex) of the region." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_LIST1 "Displays the set of conflicts for which fixes are offered." IDC_BUILD_OPTIONS_LIST "Lists the flags defined for the package selected in the adjacent Packages window." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FAILING_RULES_EDIT1 "Displays an explanation of the currently selected conflict." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_LIST2 "Displays fixes for the currently selected conflict. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable each fix." IDC_RESET "Resets all fix checkboxes to the checked state." IDC_FOLDER "Selects the folder." IDC_IMMEDIATE "Check for configuration option conflicts after any configuration option value is changed." IDC_DEFERRED "Check for configuration option conflicts before saving the configuration." IDC_NEVER "Do not check for configuration option conflicts." IDC_SUGGEST_FIXES "When configuration conflicts are found, provide possible solutions." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_REGION_GENERAL_SIZE "Specifies the size (in hex) of the region." IDC_REGION_GENERAL_READ_ONLY "Check if the region is to be read-only." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_NAME_USER "Specifes the name of a user-defined section. The name must not contain spaces or punctuation characters." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_KNOWN_SIZE "Specifies that the size of the section is known." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_SIZE "Specifies the size of the section (as a hexadecimal number) in bytes." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_ALIGNMENT "Specifies the section alignment." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_RELATIVE "Specifies that the section is relative to (follows) another in the memory map." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_ABSOLUTE_ADDRESS "The absolute address of the section (as a hexadecimal number) in bytes." IDC_SECTION_GENERAL_FINAL_RELATIVE_NAME "Specify a section which this section is to follow in the memory map." IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_ABSOLUTE "Specifies that the address of the section is absolute." IDC_SECTION_RELOCATION_INITIAL_RELATIVE "Specifies that the section is relative to (follows) another in the memory map. The initial location of the preceding section must be located in a read-only memory region." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDC_NEW_FOLDER_EDIT "Specify a folder to be created." IDC_TREE1 "Displays a view of the packages currently included in the configuration." END #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // #define _AFX_NO_SPLITTER_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_TRACKER_RESOURCES #define _AFX_NO_PROPERTY_RESOURCES #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE 9, 1 #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 #include "afxres.rc" // Standard components #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED