Staging: vt6655: Fix Sparse Warning for Static Declarations
This patch fixes the following Sparse Warnings in rf.c:
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:58:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL2230InitTable' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:76:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL2230ChannelTable0' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:93:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL2230ChannelTable1' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:110:15: warning: symbol 'dwAL2230PowerTable' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:180:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL7230InitTable' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:203:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL7230InitTableAMode' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:222:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL7230ChannelTable0' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:288:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL7230ChannelTable1' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:352:21: warning: symbol 'dwAL7230ChannelTable2' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:431:6: warning: symbol 's_bAL7230Init' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:474:6: warning: symbol 's_bAL7230SelectChannel' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:634:6: warning: symbol 'RFbAL2230Init' was not declared. Should it be static?
drivers/staging/vt6655/rf.c:681:6: warning: symbol 'RFbAL2230SelectChannel' was not declared. Should it be static?