pci_enable_wake (one for both D3hot and D3cold).
+A reference implementation
+ /* driver specific operations */
+ /* Disable IRQ */
+ free_irq();
+ /* If using MSI */
+ pci_disable_msi();
+ pci_save_state();
+ pci_enable_wake();
+ /* Disable IO/bus master/irq router */
+ pci_disable_device();
+ pci_set_power_state(pci_choose_state());
+ pci_set_power_state(PCI_D0);
+ pci_restore_state();
+ /* device's irq possibly is changed, driver should take care */
+ pci_enable_device();
+ pci_set_master();
+ /* if using MSI, device's vector possibly is changed */
+ pci_enable_msi();
+ request_irq();
+ /* driver specific operations; */
+This is a typical implementation. Drivers can slightly change the order
+of the operations in the implementation, ignore some operations or add
+more deriver specific operations in it, but drivers should do something like
+this on the whole.
5. Resources