--- /dev/null
+What: /sys/devices/platform/docg3/f[0-3]_dps[01]_is_keylocked
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: Robert Jarzmik <robert.jarzmik@free.fr>
+ Show whether the floor (0 to 4), protection area (0 or 1) is
+ keylocked. Each docg3 chip (or floor) has 2 protection areas,
+ which can cover any part of it, block aligned, called DPS.
+ The protection has information embedded whether it blocks reads,
+ writes or both.
+ The result is:
+ 0 -> the DPS is not keylocked
+ 1 -> the DPS is keylocked
+Users: None identified so far.
+What: /sys/devices/platform/docg3/f[0-3]_dps[01]_protection_key
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: Robert Jarzmik <robert.jarzmik@free.fr>
+ Enter the protection key for the floor (0 to 4), protection area
+ (0 or 1). Each docg3 chip (or floor) has 2 protection areas,
+ which can cover any part of it, block aligned, called DPS.
+ The protection has information embedded whether it blocks reads,
+ writes or both.
+ The protection key is a string of 8 bytes (value 0-255).
+ Entering the correct value toggle the lock, and can be observed
+ through f[0-3]_dps[01]_is_keylocked.
+ Possible values are:
+ - 8 bytes
+ Typical values are:
+ - "00000000"
+ - "12345678"
+Users: None identified so far.