+extern int thermal_hot;
********************************* Support Code *********************************
/* Extract the gckHARDWARE and gckEVENT objects. */
hardware = Command->kernel->hardware;
+ if(hardware->core == gcvCORE_MAJOR){
+ static gctUINT orgFscale,minFscale,maxFscale;
+ static gctBOOL bAlreadyTooHot = gcvFALSE;
+ if((thermal_hot > 0) && (!bAlreadyTooHot)) {
+ gckHARDWARE_GetFscaleValue(hardware,&orgFscale,&minFscale, &maxFscale);
+ gckHARDWARE_SetFscaleValue(hardware, minFscale);
+ bAlreadyTooHot = gcvTRUE;
+ gckOS_Print("System is too hot. GPU3D will work at %d/64 clock.\n", minFscale);
+ } else if((!(thermal_hot > 0)) && bAlreadyTooHot) {
+ gckHARDWARE_SetFscaleValue(hardware, orgFscale);
+ gckOS_Print("Hot alarm is canceled. GPU3D clock will return to %d/64\n", orgFscale);
+ bAlreadyTooHot = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ }
/* Check wehther we need to copy the structures or not. */
gcmkONERROR(gckOS_QueryNeedCopy(Command->os, ProcessID, &needCopy));