cERROR(1,("illegal date, month %d day: %d", month, days));
month -= 1;
days += total_days_of_prev_months[month];
- days += 3653; /* account for difference in days between 1980 and 1970 */
+ days += 3652; /* account for difference in days between 1980 and 1970 */
year = sd->Year;
days += year * 365;
days += (year/4); /* leap year */
return rc;
+static void AdjustForTZ(struct cifsTconInfo * tcon, struct inode * inode)
+ if((tcon) && (tcon->ses) && (tcon->ses->server)) {
+ inode->i_ctime.tv_sec += tcon->ses->server.timeAdj;
+ inode->i_mtime.tv_sec += tcon->ses->server.timeAdj;
+ inode->i_atime.tv_sec += tcon->ses->server.timeAdj;
+ }
+ return;
static void fill_in_inode(struct inode *tmp_inode, int new_buf_type,
char * buf, int *pobject_type, int isNewInode)
tmp_inode->i_ctime = cnvrtDosUnixTm(
+ AdjustForTZ(cifs_sb->tcon, tmp_inode);
attr = le16_to_cpu(pfindData->Attributes);
allocation_size = le32_to_cpu(pfindData->AllocationSize);
end_of_file = le32_to_cpu(pfindData->DataSize);