+ if (!suffix && argc >= 2 && strncmp(argv[1], "-", strlen("-")) != 0) {
+ char *record_script_path, *report_script_path;
+ int live_pipe[2];
+ pid_t pid;
+ record_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], RECORD_SUFFIX);
+ if (!record_script_path) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "record script not found\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ report_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], REPORT_SUFFIX);
+ if (!report_script_path) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "report script not found\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (pipe(live_pipe) < 0) {
+ perror("failed to create pipe");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ perror("failed to fork");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (!pid) {
+ dup2(live_pipe[1], 1);
+ close(live_pipe[0]);
+ __argv = malloc(5 * sizeof(const char *));
+ __argv[0] = "/bin/sh";
+ __argv[1] = record_script_path;
+ __argv[2] = "-o";
+ __argv[3] = "-";
+ __argv[4] = NULL;
+ execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ dup2(live_pipe[0], 0);
+ close(live_pipe[1]);
+ __argv = malloc((argc + 3) * sizeof(const char *));
+ __argv[0] = "/bin/sh";
+ __argv[1] = report_script_path;
+ for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
+ __argv[i] = argv[i];
+ __argv[i++] = "-i";
+ __argv[i++] = "-";
+ __argv[i++] = NULL;
+ execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
if (suffix) {
script_path = get_script_path(argv[2], suffix);
if (!script_path) {