- .globl __stubs_start
+ .section .stubs, "ax", %progbits
@ This must be the first word
.word vector_swi
subs pc, lr, #4
- .globl __stubs_end
- .equ stubs_offset, __vectors_start + 0x1000 - __stubs_start
- .globl __vectors_start
+ .section .vectors, "ax", %progbits
- W(b) vector_rst + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_und + stubs_offset
- W(ldr) pc, .LCvswi + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_pabt + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_dabt + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_addrexcptn + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_irq + stubs_offset
- W(b) vector_fiq + stubs_offset
- .globl __vectors_end
+ W(b) vector_rst
+ W(b) vector_und
+ W(ldr) pc, __vectors_start + 0x1000
+ W(b) vector_pabt
+ W(b) vector_dabt
+ W(b) vector_addrexcptn
+ W(b) vector_irq
+ W(b) vector_fiq
__init_begin = .;
+ /*
+ * The vectors and stubs are relocatable code, and the
+ * only thing that matters is their relative offsets
+ */
+ __vectors_start = .;
+ .vectors 0 : AT(__vectors_start) {
+ *(.vectors)
+ }
+ . = __vectors_start + SIZEOF(.vectors);
+ __vectors_end = .;
+ __stubs_start = .;
+ .stubs 0x1000 : AT(__stubs_start) {
+ *(.stubs)
+ }
+ . = __stubs_start + SIZEOF(.stubs);
+ __stubs_end = .;
.exit.text : {