+.. note::
+ This documentation is outdated. Please check at the DVB wiki
+ at https://linuxtv.org/wiki for more updated info.
Some very frequently asked questions about linuxtv-dvb
1. The signal seems to die a few seconds after tuning.
LinuxDVB on the dBox2
- http://www.tuxbox.org/
- http://cvs.tuxbox.org/
+ http://www.tuxbox.org/ and http://cvs.tuxbox.org/
the TuxBox CVS many interesting DVB applications and the dBox2
DVB source
- http://xine.sourceforge.net/
- http://xinehq.de/
+ http://xine.sourceforge.net/ and http://xinehq.de/
Check your routes if they include the multicast address range.
Additionally make sure that "source validation by reversed path
lookup" is disabled:
+.. code-block:: none
$ "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dvb0/rp_filter"
7. What the hell are all those modules that need to be loaded?
- dvb-ttpci: The main driver for AV7110 based, full-featured
DVB-S/C/T cards