/* Disable L2 cache */
- mov32 r4, TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_BASE + 0x3000
- mov r5, #0
- str r5, [r4, #L2X0_CTRL]
+ check_cpu_part_num 0xc09, r9, r10
+ movweq r4, #:lower16:(TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_BASE + 0x3000)
+ movteq r4, #:upper16:(TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_BASE + 0x3000)
+ moveq r5, #0
+ streq r5, [r4, #L2X0_CTRL]
mov pc, r0
movt \reg, #:upper16:\val
+/* Marco to check CPU part num */
+.macro check_cpu_part_num part_num, tmp1, tmp2
+ mrc p15, 0, \tmp1, c0, c0, 0
+ ubfx \tmp1, \tmp1, #4, #12
+ mov32 \tmp2, \part_num
+ cmp \tmp1, \tmp2
/* Macro to exit SMP coherency. */
.macro exit_smp, tmp1, tmp2
mrc p15, 0, \tmp1, c1, c0, 1 @ ACTLR
bic \tmp1, \tmp1, #(1<<6) | (1<<0) @ clear ACTLR.SMP | ACTLR.FW
mcr p15, 0, \tmp1, c1, c0, 1 @ ACTLR
- cpu_id \tmp1
- mov \tmp1, \tmp1, lsl #2
- mov \tmp2, #0xf
- mov \tmp2, \tmp2, lsl \tmp1
- mov32 \tmp1, TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_VIRT + 0xC
- str \tmp2, [\tmp1] @ invalidate SCU tags for CPU
+ check_cpu_part_num 0xc09, \tmp1, \tmp2
+ mrceq p15, 0, \tmp1, c0, c0, 5
+ andeq \tmp1, \tmp1, #0xF
+ moveq \tmp1, \tmp1, lsl #2
+ moveq \tmp2, #0xf
+ moveq \tmp2, \tmp2, lsl \tmp1
+ ldreq \tmp1, =(TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_VIRT + 0xC)
+ streq \tmp2, [\tmp1] @ invalidate SCU tags for CPU
/* Macro to check Tegra revision */