2006-11-13 Xinghua Yang Taiyun Wang * cdl/romfs.cdl: Use CYGPKG_FS_ROM_RET_DIRENT_DTYPE to control whether fatfs sets file type in romfs_fo_dirread. * src/romfs.c: Set file type in romfs_fo_dirread. * tests/romfs1.c: Test the new d_type in dirent when present. 2006-11-13 Oyvind Harboe * support/file2c.tcl : align romdisk data to 4 bytes. With a bit of bad luck, it would not be long-word aligned. 2006-08-04 Andrew Lunn * src/romfs.c (romfs_getinfo): Support for block usage call. * tests/romfs1.c (main): Add file system block usage test. 2006-02-15 Andrew Lunn Peter Korsgaard * support/mk_romfs.c: Use stdint.h defined types so the code is 64 bit clean. Fix compiler warnings. 2005-07-08 Andrew Lunn * cdl/romfs.cdl: Allow mk_romfs to be build even when the tests are disabled. It is generally useful and other tests programs may want it. 2004-12-13 John Dallaway * tests/fileio1.c: Rename to romfs1.c. eCos test names should be unique. * cdl/romfs.cdl: Build the romfs1 test. 2004-10-04 Andrew Lunn * src/romfs.c (romfs_mount): Avoid a compiler warning about punned types. 2004-08-08 Bart Veer * cdl/romfs.cdl: generate both little-endian and big-endian image files. * tests/fileio1.c: include either a little-endian or a big-endian image. Totally fail the test early on if the file system cannot be mounted. 2004-06-14 John Dallaway * cdl/romfs.cdl: Specify the test executable file name for compatibility with the eCos Configuration Tool. 2004-02-20 Vincent Catros * src/fs-ecos.c : (jffs2_find) Policy to skip path separator is no longer "if '/' then skip" but "while '/' then skip" allowing multi '/' separators (i.e : /tmp////foo). (find_entry) Policy to detect end of path is no longer "if '\0' then end_of_path" but "while '/' skip it and then if '\0' then end_of_path" allowing path terminated with any number of '/' (i.e : chdir(/tmp///)). 2003-12-11 Sandeep Kumar * src/romfs.c (romfs_mount) : function wrongly returns ENOENT even if fste->data isn't NULL. 2003-09-25 Oyvind Harboe * src/romfs.c (romfs_mount): If a mount fails, make sure we leave all state information in such a way we can try again. 2003-07-10 Andrew Lunn * support/mk_romfs.c: S_I[RWX]{USR|GRP|OTH} etc changed to match the changes in sys/stat.h 2003-02-24 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/romfs.cdl: Fix doc link. 2003-01-30 Andrew Lunn * cdl/romfs.cdl: Implements the CYGINT_IO_FILEIO_FS interface. 2003-01-29 John Dallaway * support/file2c.tcl: Accommodate latest Cygwin Tcl shell (tclsh83.exe) 2002-04-15 Bart Veer * support/file2c.tcl: Do not use an alignment attribute, since it is not honoured on all targets. * src/romfs.c: Remove alignment restrictions, since they are not actually needed yet and alignment is hard to guarantee on all targets. 2002-01-21 Jonathan Larmour * support/mk_romfs.c: Open image file in binary mode (for cygwin). Spotted by Warren Jasper. 2001-11-23 Jonathan Larmour * cdl/romfs.cdl (CYGTST_ROMFS_BUILD_TESTS): Try gcc and cc if $HOST_CC doesn't exist or has a problem. 2001-11-22 Jesper Skov * cdl/romfs.cdl: Use HOST_CC instead of 'cc'. 2001-10-17 Drew Moseley 2001-10-17 Jonathan Larmour * support/mk_romfs.c: Open input files in binary mode (for cygwin). * cdl/romfs.cdl: Work around cygwin path problems by copying files into build tree. 2001-07-20 Jonathan Larmour * tests/fileio1.c (main): Get this to actually pass! Remove kernel dependency. * cdl/fileio.cdl: Get CDL dependencies better. Don't use fixed base address. Make test building an option. Build mk_romfs and use it to construct a test romfs. * support/mk_romfs.c: fix trivial typo * tests/testromfs: Directory hierarchy added for constructing test ROMFS. 2001-07-13 Richard Panton (richard.panton@3glab.com) * support/mk_romfs.c: Convert between host FS file modes and eCos ones. 2000-10-25 Richard Panton (richard.panton@3glab.com) * cdl/romfs.cdl: * src/romfs.c: * support/mk_romfs.c: * tests/fileio1.c: A sample ROM filesystem implementation //=========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // Copyright (C) 2004 eCosCentric Limited // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 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