#ifndef CYGONCE_KERNEL_MBOXT2_INL #define CYGONCE_KERNEL_MBOXT2_INL //========================================================================== // // mboxt2.inl // // Mboxt2 mbox template class implementation // //========================================================================== //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTBEGIN#### // ------------------------------------------- // This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System. // Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. // // eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. // // eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. // // As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros // or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it // with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not // by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public // License. However the source code for this file must still be made available // in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. // // This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on // this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. // // Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc. // at http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/ecos-license/ // ------------------------------------------- //####ECOSGPLCOPYRIGHTEND#### //========================================================================== //#####DESCRIPTIONBEGIN#### // // Author(s): hmt // Contributors: hmt // Date: 1998-02-10 // Purpose: Mboxt2 template implementation // Description: This file contains the implementations of the mboxt2 // template classes. // //####DESCRIPTIONEND#### // //========================================================================== #include // base kernel types #include // tracing macros #include // assertion macros #include // instrumentation #include // our header #include // thread inlines #include // scheduler inlines #include // clock inlines // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // inline function for awakening waiting threads template inline void Cyg_Mboxt2::wakeup_winner( const T &msg ) { CYG_ASSERT( !get_threadq.empty(), "Where did the winner go?" ); // The queue is non-empty, so grab the next thread and wake it up. Cyg_Thread *thread = get_threadq.dequeue(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( thread, "Bad thread pointer"); T *msg_ret = (T *)(thread->get_wait_info()); *msg_ret = msg; thread->set_wake_reason( Cyg_Thread::DONE ); thread->wake(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAKE, this, thread); } #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT template inline void Cyg_Mboxt2::wakeup_putter( void ) { if( !put_threadq.empty() ) { // The queue is non-empty, so grab the next thread and wake it up. Cyg_Thread *thread = put_threadq.dequeue(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( thread, "Bad thread pointer"); T *new_msg = (T *)(thread->get_wait_info()); cyg_count32 in = base + (count++); if ( size <= in ) in -= size; CYG_ASSERT( size > in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= count, "count overflow" ); itemqueue[ in ] = *new_msg; thread->set_wake_reason( Cyg_Thread::DONE ); thread->wake(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAKE, this, thread); } } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor template Cyg_Mboxt2::Cyg_Mboxt2() { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); base = 0; count = 0; CYG_REPORT_RETURN(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor template Cyg_Mboxt2::~Cyg_Mboxt2() { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); #if 0 CYG_ASSERT( 0 == count, "Deleting mboxt2 with messages"); CYG_ASSERT( get_threadq.empty(), "Deleting mboxt2 with threads waiting to get"); #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT CYG_ASSERT( put_threadq.empty(), "Deleting mboxt2 with threads waiting to put"); #endif #endif // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); while ( ! get_threadq.empty() ) { Cyg_Thread *thread = get_threadq.dequeue(); thread->set_wake_reason( Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT ); thread->wake(); } #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT while ( ! put_threadq.empty() ) { Cyg_Thread *thread = put_threadq.dequeue(); thread->set_wake_reason( Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT ); thread->wake(); } #endif // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_REPORT_RETURN(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // debugging/assert function #ifdef CYGDBG_USE_ASSERTS template cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::check_this(cyg_assert_class_zeal zeal) const { if ( Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT == Cyg_Thread::self()->get_wake_reason() ) // then the whole thing is invalid, and we know it. // so return OK, since this check should NOT make an error. return true; // check that we have a non-NULL pointer first if( this == NULL ) return false; #if 0 // thread queues do not have checking funcs. if ( ! get_threadq.check_this( zeal ) ) return false; #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT if ( ! put_threadq.check_this( zeal ) ) return false; #endif #endif switch( zeal ) { case cyg_system_test: case cyg_extreme: case cyg_thorough: case cyg_quick: case cyg_trivial: // plenty of scope for fencepost problems here if ( size < count ) return false; if ( size <= base ) return false; if ( 0 > count ) return false; if ( 0 > base ) return false; // Comments about needing 2 queues elided; they're not true in this // immediate-dispatch model. I think we could get away with only // one queue now, biut is it worth it? 4 bytes of redundant info // buys a lot of correctness. case cyg_none: default: break; }; return true; } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // From here downwards, these are the major functions of the template; if // being genuinely used as a template they should probably not be inlined. // If being used to construct a specific class, with explicit functions, // then they should be. This is controlled by: #ifdef CYGIMP_MBOXT_INLINE #define CYG_MBOXT_INLINE inline #else #define CYG_MBOXT_INLINE #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get an item, or wait for one to arrive template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::get( T &ritem ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); Cyg_Thread *self = Cyg_Thread::self(); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(GET, this, count); if ( 0 < count ) { CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(GOT, this, count); ritem = itemqueue[ (count--, base++) ]; CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= count, "Count went -ve" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= base, "Base overflow" ); if ( size <= base ) base = 0; #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT wakeup_putter(); #endif // Unlock the scheduler and definitely switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } self->set_wait_info( (CYG_ADDRWORD)&ritem ); self->set_sleep_reason( Cyg_Thread::WAIT ); self->sleep(); get_threadq.enqueue( self ); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAIT, this, count); // Unlock scheduler and allow other threads to run Cyg_Scheduler::unlock_reschedule(); cyg_bool result = true; switch( self->get_wake_reason() ) { case Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT: case Cyg_Thread::BREAK: result = false; break; case Cyg_Thread::EXIT: self->exit(); break; default: break; } CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Try to get an item with an absolute timeout and return success. #ifdef CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_TIMER template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::get( T &ritem, cyg_tick_count abs_timeout ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); Cyg_Thread *self = Cyg_Thread::self(); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(GET, this, count); if ( 0 < count ) { CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(GOT, this, count); ritem = itemqueue[ (count--, base++) ]; CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= count, "Count went -ve" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= base, "Base overflow" ); if ( size <= base ) base = 0; #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT wakeup_putter(); #endif // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } // Set the timer self->set_timer( abs_timeout, Cyg_Thread::TIMEOUT ); // If the timeout is in the past, the wake reason will have been set to // something other than NONE already. If so, skip the wait and go // straight to unlock. if( Cyg_Thread::NONE == self->get_wake_reason() ) { self->set_wait_info( (CYG_ADDRWORD)&ritem ); self->sleep(); get_threadq.enqueue( self ); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAIT, this, count); } // Unlock scheduler and allow other threads to run Cyg_Scheduler::unlock_reschedule(); // clear the timer; if it actually fired, no worries. self->clear_timer(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); cyg_bool result = true; switch( self->get_wake_reason() ) { case Cyg_Thread::TIMEOUT: result = false; CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(TIMEOUT, this, count); break; case Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT: case Cyg_Thread::BREAK: result = false; break; case Cyg_Thread::EXIT: self->exit(); break; default: break; } CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } #endif // CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_TIMER // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Try to get an item and return success. template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::tryget( T &ritem ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(TRY, this, count); cyg_bool result = ( 0 < count ); // If the mboxt2 is not empty, grab an item and return it. if ( result ) { ritem = itemqueue[ (count--, base++) ]; CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= count, "Count went -ve" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= base, "Base overflow" ); if ( size <= base ) base = 0; #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT wakeup_putter(); #endif } // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get next item without removing it template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::peek_item( T &ritem ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(TRY, this, count); cyg_bool result = ( 0 < count ); // If the mboxt2 is not empty, grab an item and return it. if ( result ) ritem = itemqueue[ base ]; // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Put an item in the queue; wait if full. #ifdef CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::put( const T item ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); Cyg_Thread *self = Cyg_Thread::self(); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(PUT, this, count); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); if ( size == count ) { CYG_ASSERT( get_threadq.empty(), "Threads waiting AND queue full?" ); self->set_wait_info( (CYG_ADDRWORD)&item ); self->set_sleep_reason( Cyg_Thread::WAIT ); self->sleep(); put_threadq.enqueue( self ); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAIT, this, count); // when this returns, our item is in the queue. Cyg_Scheduler::unlock_reschedule(); // unlock, switch threads CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); cyg_bool result = true; switch( self->get_wake_reason() ) { case Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT: case Cyg_Thread::BREAK: result = false; break; case Cyg_Thread::EXIT: self->exit(); break; default: break; } CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } if ( !get_threadq.empty() ) { wakeup_winner( item ); Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); // unlock, maybe switch threads CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } cyg_count32 in = base + (count++); if ( size <= in ) in -= size; CYG_ASSERT( size > in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= count, "count overflow" ); itemqueue[ in ] = item; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Put an item in the queue; wait if full, with an absolute timeout; // return success. #ifdef CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_TIMER template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::put( const T item, cyg_tick_count abs_timeout ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); Cyg_Thread *self = Cyg_Thread::self(); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(PUT, this, count); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); if ( size == count ) { CYG_ASSERT( get_threadq.empty(), "Threads waiting AND queue full?" ); // Set the timer self->set_timer( abs_timeout, Cyg_Thread::TIMEOUT ); // If the timeout is in the past, the wake reason will have been set to // something other than NONE already. If so, skip the wait and go // straight to unlock. if( Cyg_Thread::NONE == self->get_wake_reason() ) { self->set_wait_info( (CYG_ADDRWORD)&item ); self->sleep(); put_threadq.enqueue( self ); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(WAIT, this, count); } // when this returns, our item is in the queue. Cyg_Scheduler::unlock_reschedule(); // unlock, switch threads // clear the timer; if it actually fired, no worries. self->clear_timer(); cyg_bool result = true; switch( self->get_wake_reason() ) { case Cyg_Thread::TIMEOUT: result = false; CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(TIMEOUT, this, count); break; case Cyg_Thread::DESTRUCT: case Cyg_Thread::BREAK: result = false; break; case Cyg_Thread::EXIT: self->exit(); break; default: break; } CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( result ); return result; } if ( !get_threadq.empty() ) { wakeup_winner( item ); Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); // unlock, maybe switch threads CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } cyg_count32 in = base + (count++); if ( size <= in ) in -= size; CYG_ASSERT( size > in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= count, "count overflow" ); itemqueue[ in ] = item; // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } #endif // CYGFUN_KERNEL_THREADS_TIMER #endif // CYGMFN_KERNEL_SYNCH_MBOXT_PUT_CAN_WAIT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Try to put an item in the queue and return success; queue may be full. template CYG_MBOXT_INLINE cyg_bool Cyg_Mboxt2::tryput( const T item ) { CYG_REPORT_FUNCTION(); // Prevent preemption Cyg_Scheduler::lock(); CYG_INSTRUMENT_MBOXT(PUT, this, count); CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); if ( size == count ) { CYG_ASSERT( get_threadq.empty(), "Threads waiting AND queue full?" ); Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); // unlock, maybe switch threads CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( false ); return false; // the mboxt2 is full } if ( !get_threadq.empty() ) { CYG_ASSERT( 0 == count, "Threads waiting AND queue not empty" ); wakeup_winner( item ); Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); // unlock, maybe switch threads CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } cyg_count32 in = base + (count++); if ( size <= in ) in -= size; CYG_ASSERT( size > in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( 0 <= in, "in overflow" ); CYG_ASSERT( size >= count, "count overflow" ); itemqueue[ in ] = item; CYG_ASSERTCLASS( this, "Bad this pointer"); // Unlock the scheduler and maybe switch threads Cyg_Scheduler::unlock(); CYG_REPORT_RETVAL( true ); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // ifndef CYGONCE_KERNEL_MBOXT2_INL // EOF mboxt2.inl